Townsend are a bat of “special concern” as stated by Fish & Game – in the state of California.
Nationalparks.Gov states “today the Townsend’s Big-eared Bat, is state-listed as an Endangered species in Washington, a Sensitive species in Oregon, and as a Species of Special Concern in Texas, Montana, and California, and they are on the Blue List in British Columbia.”
Check out this beautiful colony we came across.
We were asked to remove this colony by the owners of the building. We are working closely with other conservationists to make sure nothing happens to this colony. They are vital and we love these amazing bats!
Did you know?
Fun facts • this bat curls up its ears so they look like ram’s 🐏 horns when roosting Or hibernating. 🦇 When flying they extend or contract their ears.
• These bats do not tuck themselves into cracks/crevices like many bats do, but prefer open roosting areas in large rooms.
• These mammals are sensitive to disturbances. Light and movements can cause them to awake and their ears will move as they try to identify the intruder. If the disturbance is more than a few seconds, the entire group takes flight and the roost may be abandoned. 😢
Batfacts: National parks, fish and game, bat con.
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