Mr. Hoary the bat 🦇. One of our favorite bats!
Did you know?
The hoary bat is typically a solitary bat.
These little guys are not very social. Rather preferring to hang out alone all tucked away in tree foliage.
Bat con states “What is neat about the hoary bat is that they will hang out in the leaves of trees and use their furry tail membrane to wrap themselves up like their own little personal sleeping bag. They typically hang from one foot and look like a dry leaf in a tree.” – bat con.
When The Hoary bat mates…This typically takes place in autumn
or at times in the winter. Fertilization takes place a long time after copulation, around spring. Young are born between mid-May and early July after a gestation period believed to be around 40 days. They will have on average 1 to 2 pups. Twins are a possibility!
Their pups are typically weaned after 34 days of being born. Bats give birth while hanging upside down! It’s pretty amazing! •
#welovebats #batcon